Post Operative rehab
Post Operative rehab

Post Operative rehab

Rehabilitation is an extremely vital process after an operation or surgery. Even after a successful procedure has been performed by the surgeon, there is a significant amount of work required to return you back to your normal and fit self. Whether it’s returning to sport or even being able to do the house chores, working with your physiotherapist is essential for achieving your postoperative goals.

How long is it and what will it involve?

Depending on the surgical location, structures involved, severity of injury and the type of procedure performed, post-operative rehabilitation can vary from a few months to a year. Over this timeframe, the rehabilitation process will enter and exit various stages such as:

  • Management of pain and swelling
  • Restoring range of motion and flexibility
  • Increasing muscular strength and power
  • Returning to pre-injury function
Post Operative rehab

Your physiotherapist will work closely with your surgeon to determine any limitations or requirements specific to the surgery. Additionally, depending on your long-term goals and rate of recovery, a tailored rehabilitation program will be developed to guide the process. Typically a conventional rehabilitation program will involve:

  • A progressive home exercise program
  • Education and guidance to improve recovery
  • Weaning from orthopaedic aids (E.g. crutches, slings, CAM boots, splints etc.)
  • Pain and scar management
  • Manual therapy
  • Electrotherapy
What procedures require post-operative rehabilitation?

The physiotherapists at Physical Heatlhcare have had post-operative rehabilitation experience with various procedures including:

  • Joint replacements
  • Spinal repairs (E.g. laminectomy, microdiscectomy, decompression)
  • Tendon and soft tissue repairs
  • Fracture management

To commence your rehabilitation, please schedule in for an appointment with one of our qualified physiotherapists please book online or call us on (03) 9416 9955. Alternatively, for any enquiries about post-operative rehabilitation, please do not hesitate to enquire further about this by calling us or email us at

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